Judy Blee
Qualified Counsellor / psychotherapist in North Devon
adults & children 11+
Accredited Member of the NCPS; Adv. Dip. Counselling;
Post-Grad. Diploma in Psychology

Teenagers & Children 11yrs+
For children who are mature enough for Walk and talk this can be a less intense introduction to counselling.
I support children to find words to match their feelings and identify strategies that will help them to cope throughout their future life.

Many clients say that Walk and talk, side by side feels a more natural way to communicate, especially if you are more emotionally regulated outdoors.
The conversation goes at your pace and in whatever direction you wish to take it. I can help you understand emotions, what drives them and how to manage them. Counselling may also involve looking back to understand where problems originated and why anxieties, depressions and traumas may still have such a hold on us.
Professional supervision for counsellors and other professionals. Walk & Talk, well-behaved dogs welcome;
Supervision allows you to explore both your professional and your individual processes in a therapeutic space.